Newly Diagnosed: Treatment Strategies for Batten Disease
While Batten disease has no cure, nor are any disease-modifying therapies approved yet, there are therapeutic approaches that can help to ease symptoms and improve quality of life. Several experimental treatments are also currently in clinical trials that could prove beneficial for Batten disease patients. Check out the information below to explore more about therapeutic strategies your doctor may recommend and what therapies are in the pipeline for potential future use.
Approved Treatments
Several treatments are available that can help ease the symptoms of Batten disease and improve patients’ quality of life. These include enzyme replacement therapy and a variety of medications to help prevent or control seizures, which are common in Batten disease.
Experimental Treatments
Several experimental therapies are in the pipeline from those that may help to manage symptoms to therapies that could potentially treat the underlying genetic cause of Batten. These include gene therapy, stem cell therapy, immunosuppressants, and lysosomal treatments.
Non-drug Treatments
There are also non-drug therapies available to help patients and caregivers manage everyday activities and improve quality of life. These include physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and vagus nerve stimulation.